RE: Oracle 12C on Z/OS
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 15:34:42 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Over the five years I was working for Oracle on the Public sector side, I pretty much only dealt with Exadata -mostly at the Federal and state levels. I’d say that around 90% of the time in those cases the DBA was managing pretty much everything. I think a lot of this was that Exadata was not only a new platform, but really – a new concept – with it being pretty much a “datacenter” in a box. So, this left a lot of IT groups trying to figure out how to manage things. The default seemed to initially be let the DBA do it and we will circle around later to figure out if that really is the best way. I also saw many situations where IT wasn’t even aware that Exadata was coming their way – so there was some scrambling on the administration side.
The way quarterly patching is setup it is much easier to allow the DBA to have admin access so they can just patch the whole thing.
That’s my take…
From: [] On Behalf Of Freek D'Hooge
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2016 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: Oracle 12C on Z/OS
Not an answer to your question, but I'm wondering in how many places using Exadata, it are the system admins who are responsible for maintaining the OS on the exadata (or the storage admins to maintain the ASM storage)? In my experience, it are the DBA's who are responsible for managing the entire box: databases, storage and os. (and for patching it).
There is however, a small possibility that my experience is not representative ;-) So I would love to hear from the others on this list what their experiences are.
Kind regards,
Freek D'Hooge
On vr, 2016-05-27 at 16:25 +0000,<> wrote:
Well my Evil plan started with getting this customer off of running Oracle on windows servers. In this plan; I got buy in on Exadata to do the consolidation. There was a wrinkle in my plan, this shop has no experience in Linux or Solaris so the Windows admins started complaining, bla bla bla. In the end it appears the deputy CIO has shot down my plan. I’m not one to wine; so if the issue is “what do we have experience with” is a major driver then this shop is also in possession of a Z10 a top notch support staff and the associated infrastructure.
Now I have to go to my Evil backup plan, migrate their databases to 12C PDB’s on the Z10. My director (25 years mainframe system programmer), and two Oracle DBA’s (with over 35 years mainframe experience each) all love this ides. My director is going to get some system stats on the Z10 to see if there is enough there to host our Oracle Databases. However before I drive this train too far down the track I need a bit of advice.
- Does Oracle 12C and DB2 coexists nicely on Z/OS?
- Can you point me to any high level papers on 12C on Z/OS?
- Are there any technical issues out there that we should consider beyond available system resources?
Robert P. Lockard Oracle ACE
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-- on Thu Jun 02 2016 - 17:34:42 CEST