Re: EM12c tx/s metric values drastically changed in DB plugin?
From: Rich J <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:52:03 -0500
Message-ID: <>
> The numbers aren't exact between EM12c and AWR (sampling error?), but since they are so different before and after the Agent upgrade, it's easy to compare. And the new numbers appear to be the ones that greatly differ from AWR.
> Looks like an SR is in order...
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 13:52:03 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 2016/03/10 08:46, Rich J wrote:
> On 2016/03/10 02:16, Ls Cheng wrote:
>> can you try to compare the values from AWR?
> The numbers aren't exact between EM12c and AWR (sampling error?), but since they are so different before and after the Agent upgrade, it's easy to compare. And the new numbers appear to be the ones that greatly differ from AWR.
> Looks like an SR is in order...
To follow up for the sake of completeness, my SR concluded that the metric calculation did change and metric calculation changes are not documented. So, my two years of EM12c metrics are all garbage. And since I cannot track future metric calculation changes, I must conclude that my current metrics are also garbage.
Looks like I write my own metrics or find someone else who already has...
-- on Tue May 31 2016 - 20:52:03 CEST