Enable novalidate contains after import?
Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 10:17:34 +0100
Message-ID: <923FE516-8676-48FA-A563-65F7C33B3A33_at_dunbar-it.co.uk>
This is most likely not possible, at least according to the docs and a few experiments that I've carried out.
I'm still migrating that Solaris 9i database to Azure on llg. I have huge tables with over half a billion rows, primary key, unique and referential integrity constraints.
Data are from production where it has been validated by these constraints already, so I should be safe to enable the contains with novalidate in the receiving database.
Prior to running 9i exp, I set the three types of constraints to novalidate and exported. On import I see that while the referential integrity constraints do get enabled novalidate, the unique and primary key one are always enabled in validate mode, so the whole table is scanned to ensure that it is OK. This wastes a good many hours doing checks that have, effectively, already been done on the source database.
Does anyone know of a way to have the imp create these constraints but in novalidate mode as per the source database?
I'm tempted to run a show=y constraints=y (indexes=n maybe) to generate a script but that would require editing, or me writing a parser to edit it, to get the constraints sql out and changed to novalidate. If nothing else exists.
I need to shave as much time as possible off the imports. So far I'm down from over 89 hours to 34. I need more (less ) if possible.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Received on Mon May 23 2016 - 11:17:34 CEST