RE: ISTOP vs STOP for Enterprise Manger 12.x
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 18:28:26 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Istop is still supported according to the documentation. So, if support suggest it, I’d do it. My guess is that this has to do with forcing services to stop in specific cases where they get hung up on Windows platforms.
From: [] On Behalf Of Beckstrom Jeffrey
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 8:25 AM
To: oracle-l-freelists <>; oracle-db-l <>
Subject: RE: ISTOP vs STOP for Enterprise Manger 12.x
We just upgraded to from We are getting an error stopping the OMS and support suggested using ISTOP.
>>> Peter Sharman <<>> 5/6/16 7:13 PM >>>
Good Lord, I don’t even remember that command it was used so long ago! J
Seriously, Jeffrey, are you still on that ancient release? For that matter, same question to others on the list?
Maybe I should start a poll instead to see what version people are actually using. I will never forget the day I asked in a DBA I/II class that I used to teach what version of the database people actually had and one of the attendees still had version 3 running. I joined Oracle when version 7 was the latest release, so you can tell how far behind the 8 ball those guys were!
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Pete Sharman
Database Architect, DBaaS / DBLM
Enterprise Manager Product Suite
33 Benson Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905 AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61262924095<tel:+61262924095> | | Mobile: +61414443449
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"Controlling developers is like herding cats." Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook
"Oh no, it's not, it's much harder than that!" Bruce Pihlamae, long term Oracle DBA
From: Robert Freeman []
Sent: Saturday, May 7, 2016 06:53 AM
Cc: oracle-l-freelists <<>>; oracle-db-l <<>>
Subject: RE: ISTOP vs STOP for Enterprise Manger 12.x
From what I can tell istop is used to kind of force a stop of the management agent on certain windows platforms.
From the EM Manager config docs (which was just the first set google sent me too…
If you are having trouble starting or stopping the Management Agent on a Windows NT system, try stopping the Management Agent using the following emctl command: $PROMPT> <AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl istop agent After stopping the Management Agent using the emctl istop agent command, start the Management Agent using the Services control panel. This problem and solution applies only to the Windows NT platform, not to other Windows platforms, such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP systems.
From:<> [] On Behalf Of Niall Litchfield
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 3:44 PM
Cc: oracle-l-freelists <<>>; oracle-db-l <<>>
Subject: Re: ISTOP vs STOP for Enterprise Manger 12.x
the letter I?
what's the context and what do you mean by "enterprise manager"?
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Beckstrom Jeffrey <<>> wrote: What is the difference between the ISTOP and STOP commands for halting Enterprise Manager?
Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
-- on Mon May 09 2016 - 20:28:26 CEST![]()