EMC DD Boost / Data Domain

From: Jeff Thomas <dbmangler_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 12:12:26 -0400
Message-ID: <CAAVEUKH8CZfk+m5FPH90q0Js_fF_5boUoXcnPAr9FoMQpsU7dA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Our environment is / OEL 6 / RAC.

Currently we are using Netbackup, compressed incrementals to the FRA, then backup recovery area to tape.
Our company has purchased the EMC suite of backup tools to replace Netbackup.

My understanding is the optimal use of DD Boost/DD is to turn off compression, set FILESPERSET to 1, skip backups to the FRA; going directly via the DD Boost module to DD, essentially using DD as your tacit FRA.

I would appreciate hearing any experiences with respect to your B/R strategy using DD Boost / DD.


Received on Wed May 04 2016 - 18:12:26 CEST

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