RE: Connot Convert Single Instance to RAC rconfig

From: Chitale, Hemant K <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 03:13:25 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Is the oratab file updated with the new ORACLE_HOME ?

Hemant K Chitale

From: [] On Behalf Of David Barbour Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 6:22 AM
To: oracle-l mailing list
Subject: Connot Convert Single Instance to RAC rconfig

Sort of have some time pressure here and am running into an issue with rconfig.

I've set up the .xml file and am running it with <n:Convert verify="ONLY">. It comes back with:

Oracle home is not a cluster database home. Make sure that oracle binary is linked with RAC option and the Oracle home entry in Oracle inventory is updated with cluster node list.

Okay - the Oracle binary appears to be properly linked: The banner shows:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options

and v$option shows:

PARAMETER                                                        VALUE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Partitioning                                                     TRUE
Objects                                                          TRUE
Real Application Clusters                                        TRUE

and testing the binary results in:

oracle_at_rchr2t01 D30 $ ar -t $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a|grep kcsm.o kcsm.o

But when I run rconfig the log shows:

main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.992 CDT ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1136] Checking Database Option: Real Application Clusters
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.993 CDT ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1193] Database Option Real Application Clusters is false
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.993 CDT ] [OracleHome.isRacEnabled:205] bRacOn = false
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.995 CDT ] [RACConvertStep.execute:193] STEP Result=Oracle home is not a cluster database home. Make sure that oracle binary is linked with RAC option and the Oracle home entry in Oracle inventory is updated with cluster node list.

I'm going to go through relinking this puppy again, but does anyone have any idea where this information is coming from? I haven't seen this before.

The database was upgraded to several weeks ago. This actually changed the ORACLE_HOME. But the correct ORACLE_HOME is reflected in the oraInventory and validated with opatch lsinventory. Before the finding RAC is not an option, the log does have a series of entries:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:29.476 CDT ] [OracleHome.initOptions:1253] executing: startup nomount pfile='/oracle/D30/11204/dbs/initDBUA4129413.ora'
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.874 CDT ] [SQLEngine.done:2189] Done called
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.875 CDT ] [OracleHome.initOptions:1262] ORA-27102: out of memory
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.912 CDT ] [OracleHome.initOptions:1291] ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

 But then it shuts down the 'dummy' instance and starts over and seems to be doing just fine until ....................

[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.913 CDT ] [OracleHome.initOptions:1300] shutting down dummy instance
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.913 CDT ] [SQLEngine.reInitialize:738] Reinitializing SQLEngine...
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.913 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:892] OracleHome.getVersion called. Current Version:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.914 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:960] Current Version From Inventory:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.914 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:892] OracleHome.getVersion called. Current Version:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.914 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:960] Current Version From Inventory:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.914 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:892] OracleHome.getVersion called. Current Version:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.915 CDT ] [OracleHome.getVersion:960] Current Version From Inventory:
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.915 CDT ] [SQLPlusEngine.getCmmdParams:222] m_home
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.915 CDT ] [SQLPlusEngine.getCmmdParams:223] version > 112 true
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.916 CDT ] [SQLEngine.getEnvParams:555] Default NLS_LANG: AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.916 CDT ] [SQLEngine.getEnvParams:565] NLS_LANG: AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.917 CDT ] [SQLEngine.initialize:325] Execing SQLPLUS/SVRMGR process...
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.921 CDT ] [SQLEngine.initialize:362] m_bReaderStarted: false
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.921 CDT ] [SQLEngine.initialize:366] Starting Reader Thread...
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.922 CDT ] [SQLEngine.initialize:415] Waiting for m_bReaderStarted to be true
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.951 CDT ] [SQLEngine.done:2189] Done called
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.951 CDT ] [OracleHome.initOptions:1332] Database Options queried: 0
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.952 CDT ] [OracleHome.getNodeNames:327] inside getNodeNames, inventory loc null
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.992 CDT ] [InventoryUtil.getOUIInvSession:347] setting OUI READ level to ACCESSLEVEL_READ_LOCKLESS
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.992 CDT ] [OracleHome.isClusterInstalled:309] bClusterInstalled=true
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.992 CDT ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1136] Checking Database Option: Real Application Clusters
[main] [ 2016-05-03 16:41:37.993 CDT ] [OracleHome.isDatabaseOptionOn:1193] Database Option Real Application Clusters is false

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Received on Wed May 04 2016 - 05:13:25 CEST

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