Re: Pure Storage opinions
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 12:56:01 -0400
Message-ID: <>
On 04/23/2016 12:13 PM, Andrew Kerber wrote:
> I don't have a dog in this fight, but frankly Commvault and Delphix
> are two different solutions to two different problems. I know of
> several places that use both. Commvault is a backup solution, Delphix
> is a cloning and masking solution.
Hi Andrew,
Cloning is done by storage snapshots. I reacted because Commvault can do
cloning and does it for supported storage for a long time. Data masking
is something that Commvault doesn't do, that is true.
In the modern world, the notion of what exactly is backup is blurred. I
must say that Oracle has been very slow with adopting snapshots for
backup purposes. IBM, for instance, has ACS (advanced copy services)
which does support taking snapshots. RMAN doesn't support storage
snapshots. So, "traditional" backup solutions like Commvault, NetBackup
and TSM are all doing the same thing as Delphix and ActifIO, when it
comes to using storage snapshots to clone a DB. Of course, as is the
case with many modern trends in the IT, there is a flood of buzzwords:
"virtualization", "data as a service" (my particular favorite) ,
"infrastructure as a service", "software as a service" and many more.
Delphix positions itself as a new way of doing backup and has somewhat
privileged position on this list. It is heavily promoted by what I
consider a pure and unadulterated marketing. I didn't react until there
was too much of "Delphix is web-scale" message for my taste on this group.
-- Mladen Gogala Oracle DBA -- on Sat Apr 23 2016 - 18:56:01 CEST