query to find all traces in an instance?

From: Patrice sur GMail <patrice.boivin_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 11:29:27 -0300
Message-ID: <CACH2EDJw2KNW7RXOvHurZPqBGnbXhK2M9jz6_D9eOP-pQpJy_g_at_mail.gmail.com>

Is there a data dictionary view which shows every trace which is currently active in the database?

We had a user who turned session tracing on but never turned it off, for example.

I read through the documentation and searched on Google but didn't find a simple way of doing an inventory of all active traces in an instance.

​Since the instance knows about the traces which have been set, maybe there is a view_name$ or X$ query we could use to list them all?​

Received on Thu Apr 21 2016 - 16:29:27 CEST

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