Re: Windows, RMAN, Environmeent Variables - Help!
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2016 09:10:30 +0100
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Thanks Neil and Ingrid.
I tried both options and Ingrid's version worked perfectly. I now have a working generic RMAN backup script.
Neil's solution gave the same errors as it still didn't expand %BACKUP_LOCATION%, so it went off into %ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE again.
I note from the log file that within the allocate channel, &1 is already expanded while %ORACLE_SID% is not. I suspect that the latter gets expanded when the file is created as it is being created with the correct SID in the path, but I also suspect it's Oracle that's doing the expansion as opposed to the OS, perhaps. Maybe? ;-)
My script has:
run {
allocate channel ..... format '&1\%ORACLE_SID\%U'; ...
And the log file shows the command as:
run {
allocate channel .... format 'h:\backups\%ORACLE_SID%\%U';
Anyway, back to the grind, thanks again everyone. As ever Oracle-l proves most helpful.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Received on Wed Apr 20 2016 - 10:10:30 CEST