Re: Oracle Support
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:47:39 -0500
Message-ID: <>
This should be a fun email thread to follow. :)
From Chris Warticki's list of important things to do: 1. call Oracle Support (1-800-223-1711) and after getting a human on the line, ask for a manager/director callback. 2. When the manager/director calls back, make sure you get the contact information so you can contact them directly.
I have also recently been given the line that analysts are only working Sev 1 and had a bit of a wait list. This was a couple weeks ago.
I have a co-worker who filed several different SRs on the same topic and received extremely different responses from each. It really depends on who you get on the other side.
I know several Oracle employees read this list (and I know a couple of them). It will be interesting to see how this conversation plays out.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Sherrie Kubis <> wrote:
> Anyone else have this kind of experience with Oracle Support?
> I opened a ticket for a hosed standby on Saturday. I understand that
> because it's not a down system it can't be a Sev 1, and now I know that
> only a Sev 1 system gets weekend attention.
> Now it is Monday afternoon. I called support to ask what the status is,
> and the music was so loud I couldn't hear the person. I asked if she would
> hang up and call me back. Instead, she updated the ticket that an analyst
> needed to call me.
> Then I called back again (no music this time) and was told support
> engineers are only working Sev 1 tickets right now, they have a backlog.
> But somebody would call me back. When I asked when, she said "well,
> everyone is on their meal break, so it will be another 45 minutes before I
> can ask that". What? I know they have to eat, but really, everyone goes
> at the same time? I say that to myself as I'm eating my salad while
> sitting at my desk hoping for help.
> Because of budget cuts my management has asked me to think about
> third-party support and dropping maintenance, as most of our Districts are
> moving to another platform because of state budgets. I was horrified at
> first, thinking "how can I support Oracle databases without true Oracle
> support?!" Now I think I know.
> *********************************************************
> Sherrie Kubis
> Sr. Oracle DBA
> Information Technology Bureau
> Southwest Florida Water Management District
> 2379 Broad Street
> Brooksville, FL 34604-6899
> 352.796.7211 x4033
> E-mails made or received in conjunction with the official business of the
> District are public records. All e-mails sent to and from this address are
> automatically archived. For more information regarding the State of
> Florida public records laws, please visit
> --
-- Charles Schultz -- on Mon Apr 11 2016 - 19:47:39 CEST