OJVM Patches as part of quarterly PSU question

From: Chris Taylor <christopherdtaylor1994_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 08:44:16 -0600
Message-ID: <CAP79kiRqhpBztPsv-ReMbt8YZSH0We3zetebhd71HA=wwta2BQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

I did a little digging couldn't find the answer to this.

When doing quarterly PSUs, do you always need to also apply the OJVM patch after you've applied it already?

Oracle provides both each quarter as a combo patch and I was curious if you really need them both if you've applied the OJVM already. I went ahead and did both but it would save some time if I only had to do the PSU.


Received on Wed Mar 09 2016 - 15:44:16 CET

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