Re: ASM vs. dNFS
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:09:32 +0100
Message-ID: <1456398572.31538.50.camel_at_dhoogfr-lpt1>
One remark on this
In the past I have experienced problems with failover between OCR and
OCRMIRROR when placed on nfs volumes and the volume for the OCR became
unavailable (file server behind it no longer responding).
Because the volumes are mounted with hard / nointr, crs would keep on
waiting for response and all operations involving the cluster registry
would halt.
For voting files this was not a problem as i/o are done by child
processes with the parent process intervening after the timeout
(configurable in the crs).
Now, this has been a couple of years ago. So things might have changed.
Kind regards,
On wo, 2016-02-24 at 14:39 -0600, Seth Miller wrote:
> Chris,
> NFS is file storage, not block storage and is fully supported for
> cluster and database files.
> A supported shared file system: Supported file systems include the
> following:
> * Network File System (NFS): Note that if you intend to use NFS
> for your data files, then you should create partitions large
> enough for the database files when you create partitions for
> Oracle Grid Infrastructure. NFS mounts differ for software
> binaries, Oracle Clusterware files, and database files.
> Seth Miller
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 2:08 PM, Ruel, Chris <>
> wrote:
> I want to thank everyone who took the time to respond. It was
> very insightful information and I learned a few things. While
> researching this myself, I did find that the dNFS vs. ASM
> debate is not a religious war like many things. Not too many
> people seem to have a strong opinion yet one way or another.
> Don't get me wrong, there are proponents for both sides but no
> one seems ready to sacrifice their first born for their
> beliefs…strange behavior for internet debate…I applaud it. It
> does make it easier for me to see the facts without too much
> emotion behind them.
> One thing I am beginning to wonder is I am not sure it is time
> for my company to consider dNFS. For one, I have yet to find
> any really compelling reasons to switch…key word is YET…I am
> still researching and have just begun testing myself. One big
> reason to keep our current ASM configuration is because that
> is what my company is very familiar with and it is used in
> every database we have. Not sure I need to “fix what isn't
> broken”. Also, moving to dNFS will mostly likely introduce
> 2-3 years of having both ASM and dNFS as we migrate our
> systems from one to the other…this would require us to support
> two configurations.
> Let me give some feedback on some of the replies I got…
> Mladen: That depends on how do you do ASM. If the drives are
> iSCSI on a machine without the proper HBA, then dNFS is a
> clear choice, since it's much easier to administer and will
> even perform better than iSCSI. For FC connections and iSCSI
> with the proper HBA, ASM will perform better. Since RAC is
> ALWAYS about performance, you should choose what performs
> better. Generating an artificial load similar to your workload
> by Swingbench or HammerOra should provide a good benchmark.
> I will have to go back and review our HBA setup to make sure I
> understand it and that it is "right". So far, in my testing
> using Swingbench, I have found throughput to pretty even
> between both ASM and dNFS. However, I think I need to drive
> more activity to push the underlying storage to see which one
> falls off first.
> Seth:
> You do not need ASM for OCR and voting disks. These can be on
> a supported cluster file system or over standard NFS.
> I did not know this. I think non-ASM OCR/voting was only
> supported for upgrades of the clusterware from <11.2 to 11.2.
> I have never tried launching the GI installer without
> candidate ASM disks ready which the GI installer will then
> launch into the CRS Disk Group setup screen. Even the
> documentation says block and raw devices are no longer
> supported but I guess NFS is not considered a block storage
> device?
> If I am interpreting this incorrectly, I am open to a learning
> moment here!
> It is unclear to me why storage snapshots for ASM disk groups
> required you to use RDMs. Could you not snap multiple VMDKs at
> the same time?
> We tried this but had trouble getting it to work. Could be a
> problem with our set up and not enough knowledge but we have
> some pretty good NetApp and VMware folks.
> All that being said, dNFS has lots of benefits over ASM as
> well and as I assume you were alluding to, is not mutually
> exclusive to ASM. NFS in general is obviously much more
> flexible than ASM including the ability to use CloneDB.
> Yes! And this is what attracts us to dNFS but we want to make
> sure we understand what, if anything we are giving up by
> ditching ASM…especially in terms of performance.
> Amir: If you have an IO intensive system, you may want to
> stick with FC. dNFS has been working fine for us for those
> systems that do not do a lot of throughput, like SOA
> databases, etc. However, for heavy-duty ERP systems, even
> though we have implemented 10gbe end-to-end (from hosts to
> switches to NAS/heads), we are barely meeting the performance.
> All of our vendors, including Oracle, storage vendor and
> network vendor looked at their infrastructure for literally
> months but no one was able to pinpoint where the bottleneck
> was coming from. We ended up moving two of our Oracle ERP
> systems back to FC and will move the remaining ERP systems in
> the near future.
> This is the sort of thing we are afraid of encountering.
> Kyle: NFS is the future, has larger bandwidth than FC, market
> is growing faster than FC, cheaper, easier, more flexible,
> cloud ready and improving faster than FC.
> In my benchmarking, FC and NFS, throughput and latency are on
> par given similar speed NICs and HBAs and properly setup
> network fabric.
> Simple issues like having routers on the NFS path can kill
> performance.
> Latency:
> NFS has a longer code path than FC and with it comes some
> extra latency but usually not that much. In my tests one could
> push 8K over 10GbE in about 200us with NFS where as over FC
> you can get it around 50us. Now that's 4x slower on NFS but
> that's without any disk I/O. If disk I/O is 6.00 ms then
> adding 0.15ms transfer time is lost in the wash. That on top
> of the issue that FC is often not that tuned so what could be
> done in 50us ends up taking 100-150us and is alms the same as
> NFS.
> I've heard of efforts are being made to shorten NFS code path,
> but don't have details.
> Throughput
> NFS is awesome for throughput. It's easy to configure and on
> things like VMware it is easy to bond multiple NICs. You can
> even change the config dynamically while the VMs are running.
> NFS is already has 100GbE NICs and is shooting for 200GbE next
> year.
> FC on the other hand has just gotten 32G and doesn't look like
> that will start to get deployed until next year and even then
> will be expensive.
> Analyzing Performance on NFS
> If you are having performance issues on NFS and can't figure
> out why, one cool thing to do is take tcpdump on the receiver
> as well as sender side and compare the timings. The problem is
> either the sender, network or receiver. Once you know which
> the analysis can be dialed in.
> Thanks for the links and the thoughtful insight…again, more of
> what I am looking for. It does indeed sound like NFS will be
> a better choice in the future…but, is it enough reason for us
> to consider switching right now? For one, we just got 10gE…
> 100gE is not even a twinkle in our infrastructure's eye as far
> as I know. As long as it performs on par with FC and the
> flexibility and available features with dNFS pan out, that
> could be reason enough to switch…tough decisions ahead.
> Stefan: My clients are using both ASM with FC and dNFS or kNFS
> for older Oracle releases.
> I recently did an I/O benchmark at a client environment
> (VSphere 6, OEL 6.7 as guest, Oracle 12c, NetApp NFS, 10GE, no
> Jumbo Frames, W-RSIZE 64k) with SLOB and we reached out close
> to the max of 1GB/s by an average single block I/O performance
> of 4 ms (if it was coming from disk it was round about
> 8-10 ms and the other stuff was coming from storage cache).
> I just comment some of your points.
> 2a) You can do this with ASM or dNFS by RMAN. I highly
> recommend that you do not rely on storage snapshot / backup
> mechanism only as you will not notice any physical or logical
> block corruption until it may be too late. Trust me i have
> seen more than enough of such cases.
> 4b) When you are using dNFS in a VMWare environment for Oracle
> you have no VMDKs for the Oracle files
> (data,temp,control,redo,arch) at all. You map the NFS share
> directly into the VM and access it via dNFS inside the VM. You
> only have VMDKs for the OS (and Oracle software) for example.
> In addition to scale with dNFS you may not do NIC teaming on
> VMware level, but rather put each interface into the VM and
> let dNFS do all the load balancing, etc.
> (e.g. ARP).
> In sum nowadays there is no reason to demonize NFS for Oracle
> (with dNFS). It works very well with good performance (FC
> like).
> … i am a kid from the FC decade and i am saying this ;-)
> Thanks for your experience and comments. We are not using
> Snaps for our total backup solution…we still use RMAN as a
> first priority. Snaps are there if we can use them and for
> cloning. However, I am glad you reminded me of that fact as I
> have been considering coming up with a snap only strategy for
> our larger databases (as long as we can mirror the snaps to a
> geographically separate site). I see I will have to remember
> to run RMAN commands (or DBV) to make sure corruption is not
> an issue.
> Chris..
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-- on Thu Feb 25 2016 - 12:09:32 CET