Using Smalling LUNs for striping ASM disks with 3-Par Storage

From: Dba DBA <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:50:40 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I am in a large shop, so the SAN engineers are a completely different team. Getting time to talk to them is difficult. I have worked with SAN engineers in the past that have told me the following.

LUNs are logical. Displaying more LUNs does not by itself represent spreading out IO since unless you map the LUNs to different RAID Groups and across the back plane (I think is what it was called) the IO will not be spread out. Last year I was told by one of our senior SAN Engineers that 3-Par storage does not out of the box offer spreadng out IO and we don't offer it. We would have to use a different type of way to allocate storage. This is a big hosting company so there are 10s of thousands of servers that are on SANs.

Does anyone know if we just request more LUNs that this will allow oracle to 'stripe' and spread out IO? Someone I work with is claiming it does and that Oracle told him to do this.

I think that having multiple LUNs isn't really different from having windows partition your hard drive and then you stripe over the C:\ and D:\ drive.

Received on Tue Feb 23 2016 - 17:50:40 CET

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