Re: OEM Agent and a hanging grant
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 13:14:01 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Have you run a trace on the session to see what is going on during the grant or drop user? I'd like to see the lock in a trace file.
[image: Kellyn Pot'Vin on]
Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman
On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Nabil Jamaleddin <> wrote:
> Having a problem that Oracle support has been looking at for about 6 weeks
> and can’t make heads or tails.
> In my RAC oracle install. The following grant will hang
> on me.
> grant select on sys.gv_$instance to jamal;
> The only way to get the grant to work is to shutdown the OEM Agent running
> ( on the database server.
> To make it worse the drop user command too will hang.
> Seems that these commands want an exclusive library cache lock on
> sys.gv_$instance before the command will work and the agent is holding a
> shared lock.
> One solution Oracle had to try was to have my Agent connect to the
> database by a dedicated connection. I did this by shutting down shared
> servers, but that did not help.
> So I have two questions.
> 1> Does anyone have an idea what is going on?
> 2> How do I get the agent to connect to the database with a dedicated
> connection if I have shared servers enabled? It does not use the
> tnsnames.ora b/c every entry in there is for either a pooled session or
> dedicated. Its connecting via jdbc thin client.
> Thanks everyone!
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-- on Fri Jan 29 2016 - 21:14:01 CET