Security patching on older Oracle Linux
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:58:13 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Hey all,
So, I'm reading about the new OpenSSL security issue at
[1] and there are a few things I noted. First, it only affects v1.0.2.
Good for me. Second, support for 0.9.8 is done. Potentially bad for me.
Third, the yum repos for Oracle Linux 5 stop at 0.9.8. Seemingly worse
for me.
My Oracle Linux box has very low exposure internally and no exposure externally, but that doesn't mean future ones will be similarly walled off. What's a DBA/SA to do? Migrating this box to a new OL7 one is frankly a huge undertaking with near-zero return. (The Oracle DB on there is actually the easiest to move!)
-- on Fri Jan 29 2016 - 15:58:13 CET