RE: Oracle environment privileges

From: Powell, Mark <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 19:53:24 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I would prefer the same ownership and roles exist in all environments so the same grants that are required in production have to be issued in development. This helps ensure all necessary grants are part of the production move.

In development the developers could have access to the owning users but I would require funning promotion from development to test through a limited number of people. Depending on the size of the shop and how many DBA's there are this may include someone from the development staff.

For QA and production all object changes should have to go through the DBA.

Just MHO.

-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of MJ Mody Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 4:36 PM To: oracle-l
Subject: Oracle environment privileges

Oracle SMEs

My team and I are faced with a unique challenge/opportunity on how to best implement privileges appropriate for DEV, TEST, QA and PROD environments (e.g. Dev = Sandbox, Test = somewhat tightened, QA/Prod = same, etc.).

Reaching out to see if a Best Practice reference or STIG is available for the same.

Thank you in advance.


†Ûiÿü0ÁúÞzX¬¶Ê+ƒün– {ú+iÉ^ Received on Thu Jan 21 2016 - 20:53:24 CET

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