Re: Troubleshooting log shipping
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 05:44:08 +0530
Message-Id: <>
Okay this information clears me Data Guard have challenge from network speed/bandwidth. One simple question, why not Real-Time Apply ? No need to depend until the archive log archived and transmitted.
If it is already implemented then, you must consider optimizing the network by SDU size with large chunk.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 08-Jan-2016, at 11:47 PM, Upendra nerilla <> wrote:
> Hi Nassyam et al -
> Thanks for your suggestion in setting the archive_dest_state to defer and enable. That cleared the error. I don't see any errors now.
> From looking at the v$archived_log I see that we are behind by a few hundred logs..
> When I check those files with your second query, I do see that a bunch of archivelogs haven't reached standby.
> A couple of followup questions:
> 1. This is a busy system, redolog size is 1G and in peak we generate about 100-120 logs in an hour. Is it possible that archiver gets too busy and can't handle this.
> Is there a way to determine that? Should I consider increasing the redo log size to handle this?
> 2. Does anyone have a script or suggestions on a way to automate copying the missing archive logs to the Data guard site? Oracle is automatically pulling these files at the time of logapply. But because of the latency/throughput between the sites, I would like to copy them ahead of time so the logapply is going through faster.
> Thanks
> -Upendra
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 19:49:33 +0530
> Subject: Re: Troubleshooting log shipping
> To:
> CC:
> Hello Upendra,
> How about the network between primary and standby site? For the best practice you can do like this to refresh.
> Primary> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_3='defer';
> Primary> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_3='enable';
> Primary> alter system archive log current;
> Then check again the above query for the latest errors and also standby alert log if any sequences are catching up.
> From the alert log those errors, i have seen many times the situation can be vary like network issue or unable to communicate with the background processes Arch --> (LNS) --> RFS.
> Provide the below information first to understand what archive gap you have.
> A) Primary> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#;
> B) Standby>select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES' group by thread#;
> If there is any GAP on standby database then we need to check if the archives whether reached to standby or not.
> standby> select thread#,sequence#,name, applied from v$archived_log where sequence#=&outoutBThread1seq and thread#=1;
> standby> select thread#,sequence#,name, applied from v$archived_log where sequence#=&outoutBThread2seq and thread#=2;
> If they are unavailable on standby then we have to check those missing archives are available on primary using the same above queries. if available then troubleshooting is required why unable to ship to standby. If archives unavailable then you know what to do :)
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Upendra nerilla <> wrote:
> oops.. sorry about that.. still waking up.. :)
> Here is the output from the second query:
> --------------- ---------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Error 16198 08-JAN-2016 07:23:37 WARN: ARC3: Terminating pid 18564 hung on an I/O operation
> Error 16198 08-JAN-2016 07:23:39 ARC3: Error 16198 due to hung I/O operation to LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_3
> I see the following alert.log entry in Prod:
> Thu Jan 07 19:09:15 2016
> LNS: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 435322 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2
> krsv_proc_kill: Killing 1 processes (Process by index)
> krsv_proc_kill: Killing 1 processes (Process by index)
> ARC1: Error 16198 due to hung I/O operation to LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_3
> ARC1: Detected ARCH process failure
> ARC1: Detected ARCH process failure
> Thanks
> -Upendra
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 18:50:04 +0530
> Subject: Re: Troubleshooting log shipping
> To:
> CC:
> Hello Upendra,
> I understand. But you missed to provide the first query i.e.
> set line 120 pages 100
> col severity for a15
> col message for a70
> col timestamp for a20
> select severity,error_code,to_char(timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "timestamp" , message from v$dataguard_status where dest_id=3;
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Upendra nerilla <> wrote:
> Hi Nassyam,
> I believe the configuration is correct, otherwise I wouldn't be receiving any archivelogs at the destination. The DB_unique_name is set to "SID_DR" in the data guard site and there is a corresponding TNS entry in the PROD site (with the same name) pointing to the data guard site.
> The issue is I am receiving SOME logs but not ALL the archivelogs at the data guard site.
> As I pasted the output of the archivelogs in my earlier message, see the sequence numbers are all over the place..
> This is from ASM:
> 512 1860501 952576512 954204160 thread_1_seq_434986.5778.900455621
> 512 1883168 964182016 965738496 thread_1_seq_434991.8962.900456295
> 512 1850346 947377152 948961280 thread_1_seq_434997.9060.900456899
> 512 1865067 954914304 956301312 thread_1_seq_435003.3202.900457539
> 512 134582 68905984 70254592 thread_1_seq_435008.1471.900457605
> 512 1848325 946342400 947912704 thread_1_seq_435009.3990.900458259
> 512 1863147 953931264 955252736 thread_1_seq_435017.6484.900458793
> 512 1834310 939166720 940572672 thread_1_seq_435023.8233.900459079
> 512 1438234 736375808 738197504 thread_1_seq_435024.11250.900460605
> When the logapply hits the point where the archivelog is missing it is copying from Prod, which is slowing the log apply significantly.
> From alert.log at data guard:
> Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 434987 (in transit)
> Here is the output of the query you sent (taken from Prod):
> ---------- --------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
> -------------
> 355351
> 435651
> 353763
> Thanks
> -Upendra
> From:
> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 15:08:10 +0530
> Subject: Re: Troubleshooting log shipping
> To:
> CC:
> Hello Upendra,
> If the configuration is perfect then the redo/archive should receive on remote destinations.
> If you see below, you have mentioned service=SID_DR, can you confirm you have used the Oracle net service which points to the related standby database? and what about db_unique_name also you have mentioned SID_DR, it should be the unique name but not SID, so it depends on configuration however what the db_unique_name,sid, service configured.
> "service="SID_DR", LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM delay=0 optional compression=disable max_failure=0 max_connections=1 reopen=15
> db_unique_name="SID_DR" net_timeout=30, valid_for=(all_logfiles,primary_role)"
> Can you send output of this below query? Run them from primary.
> set line 120 pages 100
> col severity for a15
> col message for a70
> col timestamp for a20
> select severity,error_code,to_char(timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "timestamp" , message from v$dataguard_status where dest_id=3;
> select ds.dest_id id
> , ad.status
> , ds.database_mode db_mode
> , ad.archiver type
> , ds.recovery_mode
> , ds.protection_mode
> , ds.standby_logfile_count "SRLs"
> , ds.standby_logfile_active active
> , ds.archived_seq#
> from v$archive_dest_status ds
> , v$archive_dest ad
> where ds.dest_id = ad.dest_id
> and ad.status != 'INACTIVE'
> order by
> ds.dest_id;
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Upendra nerilla <> wrote:
> Hello everyone -
> Happy new year!
> Oracle RAC
> OEL 5.x
> I have an environment in which the primary is shipping logs to a local standby and a remote dataguard database.
> What I am seeing is that, somehow not all the archivelogs are being shipped to the remote site. At the time of log apply these logs are being transmitted over.
> Here is an example on how the redologs appear in the remote site:
> 512 1860501 952576512 954204160 thread_1_seq_434986.5778.900455621
> 512 1883168 964182016 965738496 thread_1_seq_434991.8962.900456295
> 512 1850346 947377152 948961280 thread_1_seq_434997.9060.900456899
> 512 1865067 954914304 956301312 thread_1_seq_435003.3202.900457539
> 512 134582 68905984 70254592 thread_1_seq_435008.1471.900457605
> 512 1848325 946342400 947912704 thread_1_seq_435009.3990.900458259
> 512 1863147 953931264 955252736 thread_1_seq_435017.6484.900458793
> 512 1834310 939166720 940572672 thread_1_seq_435023.8233.900459079
> 512 1438234 736375808 738197504 thread_1_seq_435024.11250.900460605
> Similar gaps for thread_2 as well..
> Here is the configuration of the log_archive_dest_3 on primary for the remote site:
> service="SID_DR", LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM delay=0 optional compression=disable max_failure=0 max_connections=1 reopen=15
> db_unique_name="SID_DR" net_timeout=30, valid_for=(all_logfiles,primary_role)
> I do not see any errors for the redo transport in the alert log on the primary site or on the remote DG site.
> Any thoughts on how should I troubleshoot this? Are there any known bugs around this?
> Your help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> -Upendra
> --
> Nassyam Basha.
> Oracle Database Consultant| Pythian
> Oracle 11g Certified Master
> Co-Author: Oracle Data Guard 11gR2
> Co-founder of Oraworld-team
> --
> Nassyam Basha.
> Oracle Database Consultant| Pythian
> Oracle 11g Certified Master
> Co-Author: Oracle Data Guard 11gR2
> Co-founder of Oraworld-team
> --
> Nassyam Basha.
> Oracle Database Consultant| Pythian
> Oracle 11g Certified Master
> Co-Author: Oracle Data Guard 11gR2
> Co-founder of Oraworld-team
-- on Sat Jan 09 2016 - 01:14:08 CET