LOB index creation/

From: Storey, Robert (DCSO) <"Storey,>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 16:26:22 +0000
Message-ID: <FE4C2B093843BB4B873D754E5E0BE4DB01998C48DD_at_DCSOSVMS02.dcso.org>


I have a create table statement that has one column of type SYS.XMLTYPE.

I logged in as SYS and created this table as BOB.logtable. Table created fine but I noticed that a LOB index had been created at the same time.

I dropped the table and then logged in as Bob. I ran the same create table script. No LOB index created.

Is this expected action? How would user Bob put the LOB index on there.....and is it needed?

Received on Thu Jan 07 2016 - 17:26:22 CET

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