Off topic MS SQL Server

From: John Dunn <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 09:10:26 +0000
Message-ID: <EEC3316514CFB24AB2285394E0D405587C928A0F_at_BOU.sefasuk.local>

This is not an Oracle question but I know some of you also manage MS SQL Server databases and would understand the question!.

I know nothing about MS SQL Server(version we will use is 2012)

Is there an equivalent of datadump in MS SQL server?

Basically I want to know whether there is the ability to do the equivalent of a system level schema export/import in MS SQL server 2012?

i.e. all schema objects, data, privileges etc

similar to         

expdp 'userid="sys/syspw as sysdba"' directory=dump_dir dumpfile=export.dmp logfile=export.log schemas=MYSCHEMA

Received on Wed Jan 06 2016 - 10:10:26 CET

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