RE: Flushing Bad Plan - No Longer in Shared Pool

From: Deas, Scott <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 20:25:49 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sayan,

Thanks for the response. So it was my understanding plans that appear in dba_hist_sql_plan are considered by the optimizer (not just plans in the shared pool). Are you saying this isn’t the case?

We did find an issue with the baseline we set earlier today, where the plan was not reproducible, so we will track that down with the developers.


From: Sayan Malakshinov [] Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 3:20 PM To: Deas, Scott
Subject: Re: Flushing Bad Plan - No Longer in Shared Pool


first of all, you don't need to "flush" bad plans from dba_hist_sql_plan. It's just history of the top plans and the optimizer doesn't take plans from this view.
> We have tried setting baselines for these statements
Did you fix them? Could you show "select * dba_sql_plan_baselines" for these queries? If you want to know exactly why CBO chose the bad plan, you have to dump the optimizer trace (10053) .

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Deas, Scott <<>> wrote: All,

We have an environment that has been experiencing some wandering plans. While we’d like to look into the details to see why the optimizer is choosing bad plans, we have immediate needs to get statements running with good plans that have been used in the past. When we’re contacted in time, we have been stopping the query, flushing the plan from the shared pool (using DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE), gathering stats (where applicable) and re-running. The problem is that sometimes we’re not contacted until the statement has been running for so long that it’s now showing up in dba_hist_sql_plan, meaning the DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE procedure will no longer flush it as an available plan for the optimizer.

We have tried setting baselines for these statements (although we’d prefer not to use them long term), but the optimizer continues to see these bad plans as cheaper options that would be a better choice.

Is there a way to completely eliminate or invalidate a past plan from being considered by the optimizer again?


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Best regards,
Sayan Malakshinov
Oracle ACE Associate
Lead performance tuning engineer
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Received on Wed Nov 18 2015 - 21:25:49 CET

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