RE: EM Up and Running (Thanks to Brian Pardy) [Solution]
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 03:25:38 +0000
Message-ID: <>
> I'm probably going to [re]start a blog just because of this issue.
Agreed. Too much detail in an email that may disappear.
Hemant K Chitale
From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 8:11 AM
Subject: EM Up and Running (Thanks to Brian Pardy) [Solution]
I'm probably going to [re]start a blog just because of this issue. HUGE thanks goes out to Brian Pardy for his help on this and writing a great blog about recreating (modifying) the Oracle Wallets to get rid of the demo certs.
First, this "adventure" started with laying down EM vanilla install. Due to the numerous java vulnerabilities identified in the last 12-15 months, there have been several patches that browser makers have applied and pushed out. These browser updates effectively "broke" the ability to peruse EM 12c (the console) and generated numerous Metalink documents.
The error was:
https://host:port/console generates Server has a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public key. The https://host:port/em server seemed to work ok.
Secondly, after trying to patch this problem away using the CPU 2015 Patch Guide (Applying Enterprise Manager 12c Recommended Patches (Doc ID 1664074.1), the brokeness of the EM install only increased.
Then, I ran across Brian Pardy's blog post about setting the Oracle wallets and getting rid of the demo certs and generating new certificates HERE:
(I skipped the section "Creating Wallets for each agent" about generating certificates for each agent for now as that would require CSRs for each host where an agent will be running. I might come back to that though.
So, here's the steps that got me to a perfectly useable EM installation. I'm going to attempt the October 2015 Patching guide again now but at least I know I can flash back to this structure and it be useable. In a nutshell, when laying down EM vanilla install today, you REALLY should get 1024 or 2048 bit keys, appropriate Trusted/Issuing/User Certificates, and patch Weblogic.
Steps (at a high level) - the only steps I came up with were the 3 Weblogic Patching steps to support Keys longer than 512 bits (steps 16-18). This may be messy but I formatted it with FIXED WIDTH and it shows up correctly in draft mode.
01. Install EM Software Browse to https://host:port/console - should receive error due to browser updates. If not, you don't have the latest updates.02. Backup installed directories:
- agent dir $ORACLE_BASE/product/agent12c
- middleware dir $ORACLE_BASE/product/middleware
- instance dir $ORACLE_BASE/product/gc_inst
- swlib dir $ORACLE_BASE/product/swlib 03. Create an Oracle Wallet 04. Generate 2048 bit Keys inside wallet 05. Generate certificate signing request (CSR) for the created wallet 06. Send CSR to Signing Authority 07. After receiving certs import them into the wallet 08. Secure the OMS Console 09. Restart OMS 10. Secure the OMS upload port 11. Restart OMS 12. Secure the OMS upload port 13. Re-secure all agents 14. Shutdown oms all $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all -force 15. Uninstall Delivered Weblogic Patches $MW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -remove -patchlist=6D9T,WE1X,SRUM -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/ 16. Patch Weblogic (p20780171 EJUW - includes previous patches) $MW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -install -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir/ -patchlist=EJUW -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/ 17. Patch Weblogic #2 (p16420963 GDFA) $MW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -install -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir/ -patchlist=GDFA -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/ 18. Patch Weblogic #3 (p13964737 VP7Z) $MW_HOME/utils/bsu/ -install -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir/ -patchlist=EVP7Z -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/ 19. Secure WebLogic with the OMS wallet
- first secure the agent (root ca cert) $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -trust_certs_loc $ORACLE_WALLET_LOC/root.cer -alias <choose_an_alias_name> -password welcome
- secure the agent (issuing ca cert) $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -trust_certs_loc $ORACLE_WALLET_LOC/issuing.cer -alias <choose_an_alias_name> -password welcome
- backup important files
- backup important files
- backup important files
- backup important files
- backup important files 20. Stop the OMS all $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all -force 21. Start OMS Admin Only Service $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms -admin_only 22. Secure Weblogic $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl secure wls -wallet $ORACLE_WALLET_LOC 23. Stop OMS all $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all -force 24. Start OMS all $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms
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-- on Tue Nov 17 2015 - 04:25:38 CET