RE: Unable to import (imp) from 11g to 9i please help
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 06:06:15 +0000
Message-ID: <>
To export from 11g into 9i, you should be using the 9i exp utility connected to the 11g database over SQL*Net. I hope that you did so.
It’s not clear if you HAVE applied a patchset to upgrade your database to catpatch.sql in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin is normally updated after you have installed the patchset. Did you install the patchset ?
It’s not clear WHY you needed to install the patchset in the first place.
HPUX intercepts the “_at_” character when on the OS command-line. This should work from the SQLPLUS command-line.
Hemant K Chitale
From: [] On Behalf Of nilesh kumar
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 1:36 PM
Cc: Sunil P
Subject: Unable to import (imp) from 11g to 9i please help
Hello Guru's,
Hope Everyone is good!!
We have an issue in the imp job.
OS version is : HP-UX cnshda01 B.11.23 U ia64 3900573884 unlimited-user license Database version : Oracle 9i (
we have traditional exp dump taken from 11g version of database and we are trying to import on 9i version DB we are geting the below error.
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 3113:
"ALL',2,0,2,0,0,''); END;"
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 3113 encountered ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel IMP-00003: ORACLE error 3114 encountered ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
we searched the below doc id in metalink ORA-3113 Importing or Dropping Advanced Queue Objects After Applied a Patchset (Doc ID 308931.1) and the steps are like to
shutdown immediate
startup migrate
shutdown immediate
we followed the above steps but we are getting the below error.
SP2-0103: Nothing in SQL buffer to run.
SQL> _at_catpatch.sql
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "catpatch.s..." - rest of line ignored.
If any one have faced similar issues earlier please help.
Any help will be highly appreciated!!
-- Thanks & Regards Nilesh Oracle DBA (sqlplus "/as sysdba" is my world)Received on Fri Nov 13 2015 - 07:06:15 CET
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