Re: ORAchk recommendations are wrong/invalid

From: Rich J <>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 16:13:45 -0500
Message-ID: <>


On 2015/10/20 15:26, I wrote:

> So, I thought I'd give ORAchk a try again. I downloaded v12., unzipped it, and ran it wide open on my EM12c ( repository DB, which is on 64-bit OL5. It came back with several fails and warnings that got my attention. Some of them that I've checked:

Well, I just needed to post to Oracle-L to figure out most of it. Under the oracle software owner's account, I use the Oracle-supplied perl distribution, which is 5.10.0 under So I set PERL5LIB to the perl libs in the Oracle software tree. ORAchk uses perl, and it uses the system-installed version, which is 5.8.8. The libs didn't match the bins, so some perl errors were thrown. They weren't logged AFAIK, so I didn't see them in the first run. Not sure why this would have spawned all of the invalid advice however.

Now I just need to figure out why ORAchk doesn't recognize that the local EM12c Agent Home was moved...


Received on Tue Oct 20 2015 - 23:13:45 CEST

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