RE: Database perfortmance degraded drastically after upgrading the database from Oracle 102.0.4 to Oracle

From: Mandal, Ashoke <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 19:48:44 +0000
Message-ID: <>

It is on Solrais 10.

From: [] On Behalf Of Hans Forbrich Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Database perfortmance degraded drastically after upgrading the database from Oracle 102.0.4 to Oracle

Which platform, which features and options do you have?

I would recommend using Diag Pack and AWR reports, but if you don't have EE and OEM and DiagPack, it would be a wast of time recommending them.


On 19/10/2015 1:21 PM, Mandal, Ashoke wrote: Greetings All,
After the upgrade of one of my databases from Oracle to Oracle the users are experiencing poor query performance. The response time of the queries have increased by 15 times.

I have tried the following without any luck but checking if you have any other suggestions

  1. Changed optimizer_dynamic_sampling from 2 to 1 => No performance improvement
  2. Changed optimizer_features_enable to '' => No performance improvement
  3. Try setting cursor_sharing to force => No performance improvement
  4. Set "_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled" = FALSE => No performance improvement

Please let me know if you any suggestions to resolve this issue

Appreciate your help in advance,

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Received on Mon Oct 19 2015 - 21:48:44 CEST

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