Re: Embedded PL/SQL
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:12:28 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Embedded PL/SQL (or, at least "embedded SQL") can also refer to SQL code embedded in 3GL languages like C and COBOL.
Usually (always. in my own experience) this is done with the PRO*... precompilers (PRO*C, PRO*COBOL, and so on) provided by Oracle. This is a separately licensed product, but they ship with either the database server or the database client software. Sorry, I don't remember which, as its about 12 years since I last installed any of them.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Rich J <> wrote:
> On 2015/09/11 10:49, Leroy Kemnitz wrote:
> Does anyone use this feature – embedded PL/SQL?? I am looking to use this
> to do a simple webpage from pl/sql.
> I am having problems with getting my listener configured correctly. I am
> trying to use the same listener for the http requests and database
> requests, but I am only able to get it working for one or the other and not
> both at the same time. How do other people have this setup?
> It's probably more than what you're looking for, but I use it quite a bit
> for both quick'n'dirty one-shot webpages and also some DB management and
> application troubleshooting.
> GL!
> Rich
-- on Fri Sep 11 2015 - 19:12:28 CEST