RE: Backup OEL Virtual Machine
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 18:51:02 -0400
Message-ID: <01ab01d0c33e$8e871330$ab953990$>
Yes, there are many customizations, and I’d like the OS backed just like a physical server. The hyper-v snapshots are good, but the server seems to hang during the backup of the snapshots. I’m not involved with the OS but was asked to recommend a utility or product to back up the linux system. The OS group is primarily a Windows based team. Any suggestions on a more user friendly alrternative than dd would be appreciated.
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 6:34 PM
To: Andrew Kerber <>
Cc:; <> <>
Subject: Re: Backup OEL Virtual Machine
Hmmm. I'm not so sure that *no* backup is needed. Even if the VMs are based on a template, they are probably customized at least somewhat, so you'll probably want backups if you want to restore from a failure quickly.
(My goal for backup/recovery is to expend as close as possible to no thought at recovery time. In this case, you would not want to be caught at recovery time scratching your head and wondering what sort of customizations need to be applied to your "template" in order to make the database open.)
Depending on the VM technology, you might be able to make snapshots (exclude the disks managed by ASM, if you can). If the VM snapshot technology is really good, these might be very efficient on storage and other resources. Failing that, you should think probably about backing up the Linux filesystems exactly the same way you would a physical server.
Yeah, backing up the filesystems on your VMs is going to consume some storage.
Yeah, a lot of the data you're backing up is probably cloned from a template, so the backup might SEEM wasteful.
But when those backups save you maybe 1 or 2 hours of effort (per virtual machine) at recovery time, you're likely to find it was worthwhile.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Andrew Kerber < <> > wrote:
You probably don't need to if they are created from a template. Re creating them is fairly easy.
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 20, 2015, at 4:58 PM, Kenneth Naim < <> > wrote:
Dear List,
How do recommend backing up several OEL VM’s that house databases sitting on ASM. The databases themselves are already backed up to a HP StoreOnce device using the StoreOnce client and RMAN but I am concerned about the actual VM.
-- on Tue Jul 21 2015 - 00:51:02 CEST