RE: RMAN Confusion
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 22:23:34 -0500
Message-ID: <09e301d09dac$ae99dfc0$0bcd9f40$>
Thank you all for the info. While a class would be preferred, that is, unfortunately, not in the cards. However, having a recommended author is invaluable and is the way I’m going to have to go. As Ronan said, it is my butt (and more) on the line but there are limitations to what I can do.
The responses received were about what I expected as I knew this isn’t simple. I would argue this is more like “I have a really great car. How do I fix it?” Hopefully, Darl Kuhn is the Chilton of the RMAN world.
As for the USB warning, all I can say is thanks Seth. I’m fairly sure I wouldn’t get info like that anywhere else. I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with that, but forewarned is forearmed.
Anyway, thanks for the help. I’ve some more reading to do…
From: Seth Miller []
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 2:30 PM
To: Ronan Merrick
Cc: MARK BRINSMEAD;; oracle-l; Andrew Kerber
Subject: Re: RMAN Confusion
Just as a word of caution, using USB drives on Windows as your RMAN backup destination is very risky. Although, I'm sure others have figured it out, every customer I have worked with that was using USB drives as their RMAN backup destination in Windows has had corrupt backups, either sporadically or entirely.
Seth Miller
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 2:48 AM, Ronan Merrick < <> > wrote:
Hi Ed,
As Mark and Andrew have said you really should think about getting some help or training if possible. If anything happens it will be your ass on the line. You may succeed in getting the backups up and running but recovering the database is a whole other story. Darl Kuhns RMAN recipe book helped me a lot at the start.
On 2 Jun 2015 05:47, "MARK BRINSMEAD" < <> > wrote:
This sounds like pretty good advice, Andrew. The OP might also want to think about hiring a consultant -- maybe a business consultant -- to help work out both the goals of a business continuance plan and the implementation of one.
So far, the original question sounds a lot like "I would like to build my own automobile. I have been told that steel is a good material, but I don't know much about it and I don't yet know where to obtain any. Can you help..."
The fact of the matter here is that I can help in this case, as -- most likely -- can most of the other people frequenting this list. But the question is far too broad and the subject far too complex to even attempt to address by e-mail. Of course, even if I could, I probably wouldn't, since answering questions like this is how I normally earn my living. :-)
Ed, you might find it helpful to look over the backup and recovery "concepts" manual. After you have read this, you will probably have most of the knowledge that the reference manual assumes you to have. Taking a 3 day course is probably a good idea, though, anyway.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:03 PM, Andrew Kerber < <> > wrote:
In your case, my best advice is to take one of the 3 day oracle backup and recovery courses. You will really need a better understanding than we can give just by answering your questions here. Once you take the course, build your own instances and experiment.
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 1, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Ed Hoeffner < <> > wrote:
I’m trying to develop DR plans for an application we run that’s built on top of Oracle. According to what I’ve read, RMAN is the recommendation. After going through the RMAN docs a couple of times, I still feel I don’t know enough to actually make a plan to depend on, so I’m hoping someone can put me on the right path without too much bother.
The app is not very busy by any standards that might come up here. It supports a liquid handling system that mixes a bunch of solutions together and then periodically over the next month or so takes pictures. The DB is used to keep track of all that from entry to exit from the system. The pictures are stored as a filename, so the picture files themselves also have to be backed up. At the moment, the plan is run RMAN incrementals daily from the AT queue to a USB disk. The picture files should be discoverable through some SQL, though I can envision a way to find them with a shell script (ugh!).
I think I want to use a catalog because the changes are kept in the recovery area. I’m confused between archive-redo logs, control files, the catalog, snapshot files, the RMAN copy command, and what constitutes all the info necessary for the backup to be able to be restored. The manual feels like it assumes I know way more than I do, so I don’t feel I know enough to make the decisions here. Would someone please let me know what is really necessary? Is a catalog really the best way to go?
The manual talks about RMAN not being able to work across platforms, but I can’t seem to find the definition of a platform. Since this is on Server 2003, it’s going to be wiped and reloaded (probably 2008 – 32 bit), so I’m hoping I can use this to restore the data once that happens. Will that work?
In trying to make the initial backup in preparation for turning the archive log on, the shutdown immediate command (wouldn’t transactional be better?) works great, but startup mount (as told in the manual) fails with error ORA-12505 TNS: Listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor, so it takes a reboot to get everything back in line. Somewhere in the myriad readings I ran into this, but I can no longer find the answer. How do I bring it up correctly without having to reboot?
Is there any way to create something to test with? I only have one shot at this and would really like to get some experience under my belt before I need it.
Many thanks!!!
Ed Hoeffner
-- on Wed Jun 03 2015 - 05:23:34 CEST