How does EM12c calculate tablespace freespace?
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 09:04:07 -0500 (CDT)
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Hey all,
EM popped a "Tablespace MYTBS is 97 percent full" incident last week, but I haven't been able to determine why or how it thinks the tablespace is at 97% capacity.
The target is on AIX. There are no rows in DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS and no tablespace alerts in DBA_ALERT_HISTORY in the target, so I'm guessing this is an EM12c calculation rather than a DB one.
Working from the storage calc listed on MOS 1590051.1, I'm using this query to show "percent full":
FROM dba_tablespaces t,
SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(NVL(bytes,0))/(1024*1024*1024) total_gb FROM dba_data_files WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = 'MYTBS' GROUP BY tablespace_name) f,
SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(NVL(bytes,0))/(1024*1024*1024) used_gb FROM dba_segments WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = 'MYTBS' GROUP BY tablespace_name) s WHERE t.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name (+) AND t.tablespace_name = s.tablespace_name (+);
It returns a value of about 83.77, which is corroborated by Toad's Schema Browser.
There's much more data for this, but in the interest of brevity, I'll start with this.
Thoughts anyone?
-- on Tue Jun 02 2015 - 16:04:07 CEST