Re: hp to linux...Redhat upgrade ?
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 11:11:32 -0500
Message-ID: <>
FOr me i am talking big database size, biggest one is about 62TB
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Jack Applewhite <> wrote:
> Depends on your DB size(s). We moved/upgraded our DBs from RH
> Linux servers to Oracle ODAs (Oracle Linux 5.9) via DataPump Export/Import.
> Largest DB was about 500GB. It worked perfectly for about 20 DBs.
> We'll do the same in the near future for migrating the data from our old
> 9i ERP database on HPUX to our new ERP on the ODAs, only we'll have to use
> legacy exp/imp for that.
> ----
> Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator
> Austin I.S.D. - MIS Department
> 512.414.9250 (wk)
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <> on
> behalf of max scalf <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:00 AM
> *To:* D Kennel; Oracle Mailing List
> *Subject:* Re: hp to linux...Redhat upgrade ?
> Adding mailing list..
> Even if i ran oracle on 5.5, i would still have to upgrade
> linux to 6.5(as that is our new standard)...and i think that might be a
> trivial task..
> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:49 AM, D Kennel <> wrote:
>> Per Metalink Note 880989.1 (Requirements for installing Oracle 11gR2
>> RDB MS on RHEL/OEL 5x64), RDBMS 11.2.0.x can be installed on linux 5.2 and
>> greater, so should work on 5.5 as you’re proposing. I went from Tru64 to
>> RHEL 4 using exp/imp, but haven’t used transportable tablespaces, so not
>> sure on that part of it, though…
>> Deborah
>> *From:* [mailto:
>>] *On Behalf Of *max scalf
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2015 10:09 AM
>> *To:* Oracle Mailing List
>> *Subject:* hp to linux...Redhat upgrade ?
>> Hello List,
>> I wanted to get some thought from the list with regards to our migration
>> plan. We have an oracle database( running on HP paric 11.11 and
>> we want to move to Linux 6.5 and oracle We have moved couple of
>> our system from HP 11.31(oracle 11g) to Linux 6.5(oracle 11g) using cross
>> platform incremental transportable tablespace. My question is how does one
>> goes about using the same process for 10g to 11g migration and also hp to
>> linux. When i say Linux i am talking about RedHat.
>> We were thinking to do the following
>> - Install oracle version on Linux(5.5), cant use 6.5 as
>> oracle 10.2 is not supported with 6.5
>> - If we do above, then i can migrate to followed by an
>> upgrade to 11g
>> - But the step above poses another huddle, oracle 11g is not
>> supported on Linux 5.5
>> - so would we upgrade the RHEL version to 6.5 --> but if we upgrade
>> to 6.5 and oracle remains on 10g that is not supported
>> I know we can use Golden Gate for something like this but we are trying
>> to find a cheap options and not have additional cost(Golden gate), also if
>> we were to go down using Golden Gate i am guessing Golden Gate version 10
>> is probably not supported for HP 11.11(source server).
>> What has the community done for such a migration project?
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-- on Tue May 19 2015 - 18:11:32 CEST