Re: Cron management...
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 12:45:45 +0800
Message-ID: <>
Just back onto the very original question.
We use Tidal extensively at my current client, mainly because where cron really struggles is dependency management. (eg, I want to run jobs A, B and C. B can run alongside A, but not if Z is running, and C must follow both A & B etc etc).
The user interface to Tidal is shite... (a lovely windows client was ditched and replaced with a terrible web interface).
One the things you can do with tidal if concerned about agent privs on 'special' nodes, is to run jobs on those nodes without the agent, ie, some trusted ssh from the tidal machine to the special machiine, as a user with limited privs.
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Mladen Gogala <> wrote:
> On 04/23/2015 06:08 PM, Hans Forbrich wrote:
> On 23/04/2015 3:08 PM, Mladen Gogala (Redacted sender
> for DMARC) wrote:
> On 04/23/2015 10:27 AM, Jeremy Schneider wrote:
> >The "rman" executable is a client, similar to sqlplus,
> >which executes the internal functions, built into the Oracle executable
> >itself and delivers the data to the destination using the channels.
> This is also exactly wrong. Also this is specifically the
> misunderstanding that Hans was trying to correct.
> Yes. And he expressed that disagreement by the sentence "We are in
> complete agreement". For the record, what is wrong with the paragraph?
> I don't think there is a huge disagreement, but rather a simple lack of
> clarity.
> "Executes Internal Functions" can sound like the RMAN executable itself
> does that. When I agreed with you, I relied on the "similar to sqlplus" in
> that SQLPlus does not do actual SQL or PL/SQL processing, but rather
> coordinates command interaction with the server process(es). In a similar
> fashion, the RMAN executable does not do the backup, but rather tells its
> server process what to do for the backup.
> Again, from the docs at
> "The RMAN client *directs database server sessions to perform all backup
> and recovery tasks*. What constitutes a session depends on the operating
> system. For example, on Linux, a server session corresponds to a server
> process, whereas on Windows it corresponds to a thread within the database
> service. The RMAN client itself does not perform backup, restore, or
> recovery operations.
> An RMAN channel represents one stream of data to a device, and corresponds
> to one database server session. During a backup or restore operation, the
> channel reads data from the input device, processes it, and writes it to
> the output device. See "Basic Concepts of RMAN Performance Tuning" for a
> low-level description of how channels work."
> No matter which way we slice it, since the 'Channel' reads blocks from the
> database and puts them into in-memory output buffers to be written to disk
> or transferred via MML to media (or vice versa for restore), MML itself
> needs to be on the same machine(s) as the server processes that read/write
> the data blocks.
> /Hans
> (By the way - "I'm glad we agree" != "We are in complete agreement" ...
> subtly different.)
> Now, we are in complete agreement, at least on my part. I apologize for
> the lack of clarity, I thought it was obvious when I said that those
> functions are built into the oracle executable. They must be, or otherwise
> it wouldn't be possible to take an offline backup using rman.
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Oracle DBA
-- Connor McDonald =========================== blog: web: "If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room." - Jayne Howard -- on Sat Apr 25 2015 - 06:45:45 CEST