RE: Exchange Partition
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 10:43:53 +0530
Message-ID: <BLU180-W75C537A055291A78A28886EA2D0_at_phx.gbl>
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the links.
My problem is not partitioning of nested tables but exchanging of nested table partition.
We load data daily into these tables and reports are run on these tables.
We have created partition for each day so a new partitioned is created each day.
We now decided to load data daily into fresh table and exchange the partition with this table.
We are able to do that for tables with normal columns but not with tables containing nested columns.
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 06:11:37 -0700
Subject: Re: Exchange Partition
Hopefully the documentation at "" about partitioning nested tables or at "" about partitioning collections will help?
Hope this helps?
On 2/18/15 3:56, Abhishek Gurung wrote: Hi, My query is how we can exchange partition of a table with another table(without partition) with same structure in other schema. The problem is table contains nested columns(Columns with table types). Is there a way we can achieve this. Regards Abhishek
-- on Thu Feb 19 2015 - 06:13:53 CET