Re: ORA-7445 and system completely unavailable
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:57:39 -0900
Message-ID: <>
So, we think we found what might have been the problem...any comments are welcome!
We allow programmers to do what we call migrations in the production
database on Fridays.
Migrations consist of things like modifying packages, adding columns to
tables and apparently
also changing the size of a column in a table. This is all while the
database is up and
available to users.
After a programmer does a migration, he/she runs utlrp to recompile invalid objects.
Normally, these migrations are done sequentially so only one person is running utlrp at a time.
Today, it seems that 2 programmers were doing migrations at the same time.
One of them
was changing the size of 5 columns in a table that was likely being used at
the time of the
change. It also looks like they may both have been running utlrp at the
same time.
That said, we crashed the database since we couldn't even log in as sysdba
to shut it down.
Then we brought it up in restricted session, let the dust settle, shut it
down and brought it
up in restricted session again to verify that all was well, did some
checking around and then
restarted it normally. Things seem to be fine....
- Maureen
On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Niall Litchfield <> wrote:
> I don't believe that the most helpful advice ever. 7445 is indeed O/S
> level code vs 600 which is db level code. Doesn't mean client. Does mean
> call support. MOS also has a 00600/07445 troubleshooting tool which will
> analyze the dump generated.
> This is a support better than the internet case.
> On 19 Dec 2014 18:08, "Howard Latham" <> wrote:
>> I Done a google search - expect you did too but just in case - Good luck.
>> Hi,
>> ORA-07445 is mostly caused by the Incompatible oracle client making
>> connection or trying to execute complex code causing huge memory dump.
>> Search for "machine" in the trace file reported in the alert log to
>> identify the user or application server & verify its client version
>> compatibility with your newly patched RDBMS version
>> Thanks,
>> Ajay More
>> On 19 December 2014 at 18:01, Maureen English
>> <> wrote:
>> > Our prod system just became completely unavailable and we're getting
>> these
>> > errors in the
>> > alert log:
>> >
>> > Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Invalid Permissions for object] [ADDR:0x0]
>> > [PC:0x4000000005CA0E20, $cold_kpkiiniPG()+16] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
>> >
>> > Any ideas...yes we have a sev 1 ticket in with Oracle.
>> >
>> > - Maureen
>> --
>> Howard A. Latham
>> --
-- on Fri Dec 19 2014 - 21:57:39 CET