RE: Outgrowing Standard Edition
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 20:35:38 +0000
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Ultimately, it’s the decision of whoever is signing the checks. The most you can hope to do is inform their decision. The thing the business is most likely to understand is dollars and cents. To the people who don’t want to lay a big chunk of cash out for Enterprise Edition, try to quantify the hours they’re paying for people to hack together AND maintain EE-ish features. If they invest in the capital expenditure of EE, then they can redeploy those work hours to doing things that make the business money. Maybe you’ll find that they’re saving 20% off the cost of an EE license. That’s good, right? (No, it isn’t. After 5 years, you’ve negated the savings by continuing to pay staff to do the job of a software license.)
If the opex still looks more attractive than the capex, you can also compare things like RTO expectations between DataGuard and scripted standby (assuming you’re copying archived logs once they’re archived, your data loss in a failover situation is going to be determined by how long it’s been since your logs have switched). Is that OK with the business? Probably not if the demand for availability is increasing. Identify the other risks inherent with the SE + duct tape and bubble gum solutions that are addressed somehow in EE. We can all probably agree that EE is not cheap. Sticker shock is to be expected, but if you can present facts that demonstrate the value, you have a shot.
T. J.
From: [] On Behalf Of Charlotte Hammond
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 1:52 PM
To: Oracle-l Digest Users
Subject: Outgrowing Standard Edition
Hi All,
We have an in-house application which has grown very rapidly. It's running on Standard Edition and we've been jumping through hoops to work around the edition limitations (scripted standby, partition views, manually parallelizing operations, maintenance outages etc.) but the business keep wanting to push more transactions through and simultaneously demand less downtime for releases / maintenance.
I feel that at some point we need to bite the bullet and move to another platform (presumably Enterprise Edition with partitioning, although it's just possible another vendor altogether). The business naturally don't want to pay the big uplift in licence costs and keep asking for more (and increasingly complex) workarounds. I'm just looking to draw on other people's experiences on when they determine they need to make the leap to Enterprise - what are the critical factors? What made you say we just can't keep on Standard Edition any more? (I know this is a woolly question but guess I'm just looking for confirmation that we really are in that area).
Please note I'm just wanting to discuss WHEN/WHY we need to stop hacking fixes and just do this, I'm NOT looking for people to try to sell me licences! :-)
Many thanks!
-- on Wed Dec 03 2014 - 21:35:38 CET