Transportable Tablespace Problem - Missing Views
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 13:14:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I've just completed a TTS migration from Oracle 10g on HPUX IA to Oracle 11g on Linux RHEL 6.4.
It's an SAP system and I seem to be missing some of the views.
I know the doc (243304.1) says that "Among other things, objects that
reside in the SYSTEM tablespace and objects owned by SYS will not be
transported. This includes but
is not limited to users, privileges, PL/SQL stored procedures, and views."
but these objects are owned by the SAP user. However Doc 1166564.1 points
out in FAQ#23 that "What if I don't wind up with the same number of
non-SYS-owned objects in the target database as in the source? - Use the
structural export to recreate missing objects for the schemas that were
transported. -
Objects such as users, functions, procedures, views, etc. are not
necessarily contained in the tablespaces you transport, since SYSTEM and
SYSAUX are not transported. You should use a structural import (i.e. full
export/import with no rows) after the TTS import to create any missing
objects that you need."
I did do the dbms_tts.transport_set_check and it worked. And I did the expdp and impdp of the tablespaces. Everything seemed to work. The conversion (using RMAN) went smoothly.
Now do I need to go back and do a metadata export of the souce again and apply to the destination? I've already opened the tablespaces to read write, which I wouldn't think is a problem since we're talking views, etc. here and not data or structure.
Surely someone has run across this before?
-- on Thu Oct 09 2014 - 20:14:13 CEST