Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 22:25:03 -0600
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I am working through the same issue and just yesterday submitted an enhancement request SR with Oracle. The engineer created a new bug/enhancement request today as "19780358.- need PL/SQL API to get password from wallet".
The functionality would provide PL/SQL functionality similar to the following white paper:
Wrapping a package in another "secured" schema only slows down a malicious user. If a user is granted execute then they can see the package source using "selet * from all_source order by line", Once the user has that data it is very easy to unwrap using any number of easy to access tools online. There is even an online version where you can paste wrapped code and get the unwrapped output. Personally I hate "wrapped" code as it only provides an illusion of security. I have not looked at 12c functionality yet and hope Oracle changes this.
To address what I think might be a missing element, I would approach a solution that would abstract our real encrypt/decrypt functions by making those internal functions only known and available to the "secured" schema. Then I would create functions for users that would call the internal function. Something like this:
secure_user schema
real_decypt_function(p_string in varchar2) has encryption key decrypts string returns decrypted string decrypt_function(p_string in varchar2) return real_decrpt_function(p_string)
grant execute to decrpt_function to user_a (do not grant execute on real_decrypt_function)
user_a calls secure_user.decrypt_function('some encrypted string'); but would never be granted access to the "real_decrypt_function" so the would not have access to the wrapped code.
Of course anyone with access to the secure_user could unwrap the package but this should limit exposure to all but authorized and the most malicious of users that have actually hacked into your database. Remember to carefully consider invoker vs definer rights as well on your function/procedure definitions. If a hacker/malicious user get elevated access like DBA it could still be game over in terms of protecting your keys that are in a wrapped package but at that point you have a much bigger issue.
As with everything, test and verify and implement at your own risk - no warranties implied :).
> Would moving the decrypt function out of the data owner schema prevent
> meaningful access
> to the encrypted data by the owner schema?
> Am I missing anything else?
> Dave
> --
> Dave Morgan
> Senior Consultant, 1001111 Alberta Limited
> 403 399 2442
> --
-- on Thu Oct 09 2014 - 06:25:03 CEST