RE: A nomount dbua instance sitting on our DR server?
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2014 14:47:07 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Stefan! Can it just be shut down?
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Koehler []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:38 AM
To: Miller, Jay;
Subject: Re: A nomount dbua instance sitting on our DR server?
Hi Jay,
yes, you are right that this instance is related to DBUA (or DBCA). It is some kind of dummy instance to gather information for DBCA / DBUA. Just
check the trace files in $ORALCE_BASE/cfgtoollogs and you gonna see that instance name.
Best Regards
Stefan Koehler
Oracle performance consultant and researcher
> hat am 7. Oktober 2014 um 16:14 geschrieben:
> I was getting ready for a storage refresh on one of our DR servers when I saw a database instance I was unfamiliar with named DBUA2758156. From the
> name I assume it is something associated with the database upgrade assistant but I have no idea what. It is in nomount mode, has been running for 5
> days and has an orapw and init.ora file (also with a timestamp from 5 days ago) but no entry in /etc/oratab. Googling and searching metalink just
> turns up a bunch of DBUA documentation.
> I'm tempted to just try shutting it down but since I've never seen anything like this before I opened an SR and thought I'd check if anyone here had
> seen anything similar.
> This is the init.ora file:
> db_name=DBUA2758
> db_unique_name=DBUA2758156
> shared_pool_size=128m
> cpu_count=1
> diagnostic_dest=/app/oracle/product/
> _enable_NUMA_support=false
> Full set of background processes:
> zoracle 26744 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:58 ora_pmon_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26748 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:01:03 ora_psp0_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26752 1 1 Oct02 ? 01:48:58 ora_vktm_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26758 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:12 ora_gen0_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26762 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:17 ora_diag_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26766 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:19 ora_dbrm_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26770 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:03:06 ora_dia0_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26774 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:12 ora_mman_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26778 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:13 ora_dbw0_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26782 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:12 ora_lgwr_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26787 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:17 ora_ckpt_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26791 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:07 ora_smon_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26795 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:05 ora_reco_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26799 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:33 ora_mmon_DBUA2758156
> zoracle 26803 1 0 Oct02 ? 00:00:55 ora_mmnl_DBUA2758156
> --
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Received on Tue Oct 07 2014 - 16:47:07 CEST