Fast Refresh Materialized View on Prebuilt Table

From: Charlotte Hammond <>
Date: 06 Oct 2014 10:25:34 -0000
Message-ID: <>

 Hi All,
I'm creating a large fast-refreshable materialized view using a prebuilt table.   The problem I have is that by the time I have copied the table from the source system to the target system several hours have passed and there are now numerous changes on the target.  As soon as I issue the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command the log is deleted and the fast refresh starts on a table which is by now out of date. I'm looking for a good way to sync up the changes made during the copy period.   I've got some ideas using triggers (and possibly a small outage on the source) but it's seems messy. I'm wondering if I'm missing some clean / built-in functionality to resolve this? The database is SE
Thanks in advance for any ideas!Charlotte
Received on Mon Oct 06 2014 - 12:25:34 CEST

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