Re: SOX Reporting Requirement
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:12:30 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I believe you can get the information by just turning on extended auditing on the table, As I recall it will put all of that information on the aud$ table.
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 10:05 AM, David Barbour <> wrote:
> Morning,
> I was wondering how others might be handling the SOX reporting/auditing
> issue we've been assigned.
> The audit folks want to know when DML occurs on a particular table and the
> original and new value(s). I've implemented FGA on the table and can
> capture the change. Using the transaction ID, I can then go back to the
> flashback_transaction_query and get the original values. Of course, the
> only guarantee of being able to pull the undo sql containing the original
> values is that the query is performed before the undo retention expires.
> Pre-supposing I have a job that queries dba_fga_audit_trail and grabs the
> undo in time, what might happen next? I was thinking of storing the values
> in a table created specifically for this purpose. Then I'd probably create
> a view to generate the report.
> I'd appreciate any other ideas or refinements. This is a pretty busy
> database and I've got to be careful bumping undo retention too high. I'm
> undoubtedly missing something .............
-- Andrew W. Kerber 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' -- on Thu Aug 28 2014 - 17:12:30 CEST