compiled/valid or not compiled... that is the question
From: Patrice sur GMail <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:43:48 -0300
Message-ID: <>
It's fun that in the data dictionary, objects can be listed as "valid" even though their underlying components may have disappeared or db links stopped working properly.
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:43:48 -0300
Message-ID: <>
It's fun that in the data dictionary, objects can be listed as "valid" even though their underlying components may have disappeared or db links stopped working properly.
The server never double checks, it assumes they ave valid until someone tries to use the object or the database is restarted.
So the information in the data dictionary is not necessarily trustworthy.
- Patrice My profiles: [image: Facebook] <!/profile.php?id=100000206805521>[image: LinkedIn] <>[image: Twitter] <> <> Signature powered by WiseStamp <>
-- on Wed Aug 20 2014 - 20:43:48 CEST