Re: Standby redo logs
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 08:27:07 +0530
Message-ID: <>
Hi Michael,
There are no danger at all if you don't have standby redo logs either in 11g or 12c if DataGuard functioning in maximum performance. Oracle recommends to have real time apply so that even in maximum performance in case of disaster you may have very minimal data loss, To use of real time apply then you must create standby redo logs then the remote file server process writes the redo data to standby redo log files on the standby database. In case you haven't configured SRL then in case of disaster you may have data loss same data as one online redo log transactions/size if you want to overcome this situation then ALWAYS avail real time apply.
When we say maximum protection or availability mode then standby redo logs
is MUST.
So basically its all depends on what protection mode the database is in.
I hope this clear...Thank you.
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 8:05 AM, Michael Cunningham <> wrote:
> Are there dangers with not having standby redo logs in a 12c physical
> standby db? The docs do indicate they are necessary to insure zero data
> loss. Any other experience out there?
> Thanks,
> Michael Cunningham
-- Nassyam Basha. Oracle DBA *The Pythian Group * <> 11g OCP Certified, Blogger Co-Author: Oracle Data Guard 11gR2 <> Member of Oraworld-team <> Visit My Blog <> Let's Connect - Linkedin Profile <> My Twitter <> My Facebook <> -- on Thu Jul 31 2014 - 04:57:07 CEST