Re: Controlfiles just got overwritten
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:44:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Maureen, sounds like you had multiplexed controlfiles already but overwrote both of them with your script.
Can you share how this was done? I know you said a cp command was used but wondering what your process is for the standby creation. Are you just mounting NFS shares from the standby host and copying files from the prod/primary host?
And, like many others have said, don't let it get you down. Just important that we learn and improve from these experiences, however soul-crushing they feel at the time.
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 11:40 PM, George Leonard - Business Connexion <> wrote:
> Maureen
> In the end we all scr3w3d up at some point, it's only if we man/woman...
> enough to fess up.
> No one ever learns anything in a perfect world, we humans learn best by
> mistakes and then making sure we don't make them (our own) and hopefully
> lesson's taught to us by others from their experience again.
> :)
> And then hopefully we all as a community can laugh afterwords together,
> because if you can't laugh at yourself, what good is anything.
> Yours Sincerely
> ________________________________________
> *George Leonard*
> *Oracle Engineered System Specialist*
> Mobile: +27.82 655 2466
> eMail: <>
> Web: <>
> On 18 Jul 2014, at 8:26 PM, Maureen English <>
> wrote:
> Tim, rest of list,
> I was ready to start cleaning out my desk after realizing what I did. My
> manager, though, was concerned about what
> to tell the users and letting our director know what had happened. Our
> director, someone I've worked with for almost
> 20 years, always remains calm and offered some suggestions for quick fixes
> since he was a DBA years ago. Our CITO,
> someone I expected to be very upset, responded with something like
> 'Mistakes happen, you're only human.'
> - Maureen
> On 7/17/2014 3:28 PM, Tim Gorman wrote:
> Maureen,
> About 4 years ago, or 26 years into my IT career, I dropped an index on a
> 60 Tb table with 24,000 hourly partitions;
> the index was over 15 Tb in size. It was the main table in that
> production application, of course.
> Over a quarter century of industry experience as a developer, production
> support, systems administrator, and database
> administrator; if that's not enough time to have important lessons pounded
> into one's head, then how much time is needed?
> My supervisor at the time was amazing. After the shock of watching it all
> happen and still not quite believing it had
> happened, I called him at about 9pm local time, and told him what
> occurred. I finished speaking, and waited for the axe
> to drop, for the entirely-justified anger to crash down on my head. He
> was silent for about 3 seconds, then just said
> calmly, "Well, I guess we need to fix it." And that was it. No anger, no
> recriminations, no humiliating
> micro-management. We launched straight into planning what needed to
> happen to fix it.
> He got to work notifying the organization what had happened, and I got
> started on the rebuild, which eventually took
> almost 2 weeks to complete.
> I hope you had the same experience. Because it truly happens to all of
> us. And anyone who pretends otherwise simply
> hasn't been doing important work.
> Hope this helps...
> -Tim
> On 7/17/14, 17:01, Maureen English wrote:
> I ended up recovering the database from a backup done the day before and
> rolling forward.
> I also modified my instructions for recreating a standby database. Instead
> of 'cp -p' to copy
> my standby control file to the appropriate directory on the standby
> server, I will now use 'cp -pi'.
> I'm still feeling badly for making this mistake, but I'm amazed at how
> understanding my coworkers
> have been.
> - Maureen
> --
-- Don Seiler http://www.seiler.usReceived on Wed Jul 23 2014 - 19:44:22 CEST