Re: row source statistics in AWR
From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 10:09:53 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 10:09:53 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Are you looking for DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY? David Fitzjarrell Principal author, "Oracle Exadata Survival Guide" On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:55 AM, Iggy Fernandez <> wrote: Does anybody know the answer to this question; that is, where are row source execution statistics stored in AWR? Iggy ________________________________ From: To: Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 14:09:36 -0500 Subject: row source statistics in AWR I’m having trouble figuring out where row source statistics are stored in AWR. I’ve gone through the reference doc and can’t find anything under DBA_HIST* other than DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN which only has the execution plans + optimizer estimates. I swear I’ve seen them displayed through dbms_xplan.display_awr but I can’t get them to display calling that function either. I’ve taken snapshots with flush_level = ‘ALL’ and executed SQL in between those snapshots with ‘/*+ gather_plan_statistics */ and statistics_level = ‘ALL’ at session and system level with no luck. Are rowsource statistics (specifically LIO’s and a-rows for every operation in a plan) optionally stored in AWR and if so, where? Thanks!
-- on Tue Jul 01 2014 - 19:09:53 CEST