DBA_AUDIT_SESSION shows a failed login for DBSNMP every 5 minutes

From: Schauss, Peter (ESS) <"Schauss,>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 19:27:44 +0000
Message-ID: <8AE45871F749FC4CBBE053CF2F8A493C11C21476_at_XMBVAG74.northgrum.com>

Environment: Oracle, Windows Server 2008 (64 bit), Grid Control 11g

The DBA_AUDIT_SESSION table shows one failed logon for DBSNMP every 5 minutes. In the same time interval I see about 4 to 6 successful logons for DBSNMP. The value in USERHOST for all of them is the name of the database server. In Grid Control, when I go to Targets->Databases->my_database->configure and press "Test Connection" I get "success". The home page for the database in grid control shows no errors.

Following the suggestions in Doc ID 352585.1 I ran "emctl stop dbconsole" and got:

"OC4J Configuration issue. G:\oracle\product\11G_R2/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_<servername>_<sid> not found."

So it appears that dbconsole is not running. The only Oracle services running are Oracleagent11g1Agent, TNSListener, and the services for the individual instances.

Where else should I be looking?

Peter Schauss

Received on Thu Jun 05 2014 - 21:27:44 CEST

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