Re: Disk space did not release

From: Eriovaldo Andrietta <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 10:53:17 -0300
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for answers,

Some time after removing manualy the data file, I see more free space in disk

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/f1/fold1       493G  141G  352G  29% /l/disk67

Only 13gb more instead of 20gb that was the file size removed.


2014-05-18 9:21 GMT-03:00 David Roberts <>:

> This is a little speculative, but I'm sure I will be corrected if this
> doesn't work!
> If the file is unreleased as it appears, then if you have permissions go
> under /proc and look in each fd(?) directory for a file with the
> appropriate size.
> the /proc/<process id>/fd directory that this file resides in will reveal
> the process id of the process that is holding the file open.
> ps -ef | grep <process id> should reveal the process that is holding the
> file open.
> Logically this should be an oracle process, where you can follow the
> advice previously given, however if it isn't an oracle process than you
> have something else to investigate!
> It can be useful before deleting a file to do an
> fuser <filename>
> to see what processes have a file open before you attempt to delete it.
> Dave
> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 11:59 AM, <
>> wrote:
>> And you may need to restart database , a x nix quirk
>> ----- Reply message -----
>> From: "Marko Sutic" <>
>> To: <>, "" <
>> Subject: Disk space did not release
>> Date: Sun, May 18, 2014 11:34 AM
>> Hello Eriovaldo,
>> to drop file and release space on disk.
>> Now you have to delete file manually to release space on disk.
>> Regards,
>> Marko
>> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Eriovaldo Andrietta <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi friends,
>>> I had a temporary tablespace TEMP02 in the instance.
>>> I ran:
>>> $ df -h .
>>> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>> /dev/f1/fold1 493G 154G 339G 32% /l/disk67
>>> After it I ran :
>>> select * from dba_temp_files;
>>> I got the file : /l/disk67/app/oracle/oradata/instance_name/temp02.dbf
>>> I ran:
>>> drop tablespace TEMP2;
>>> So I immediately ran
>>> $ df -h .
>>> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>> /dev/f1/fold1 493G 154G 339G 32% /l/disk67
>>> and the spaces was not released. It keeps with 339G Avail
>>> The SO is Linux
>>> The database is 11g
>>> What is wrong ?
>>> Disk space should be released immediately?
>>> Regards
>>> Eriovaldo

Received on Sun May 18 2014 - 15:53:17 CEST

Original text of this message