Re: High Buffer gets after server migration.

From: Milo <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 07:27:32 +0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi, Veerabasaiah
1. Have you check these sqls and confirm they are the same sql?
2. Have you check their execution plan on both side? What's the differences?
3. You only mentioned that you migrated from hpux pa to hpux ia platform, haven't say what method do you using for migration, such as exp/imp, rman, storage level, etc?

Thanks very much.

Best Regards,

From: Veerabasaiah C
Date: 2014-05-16 07:16
Subject: High Buffer gets after server migration. Hello guys need help here...

We have recently migrated from a
Hp-UX superdome (PARISC) to hp-ux itanium with the same configuration at the db side.


Disks were unmounted and mounted on the otherside and database was brought up fine.

We have done this before and never caused any issue, but for the current one we are seeing too many buffergets and all the jobs are getting delayed.

Bfore the migration

     90,625,062 715 126,748.3 1.5 1498.63 13680.14 3353534983 Module: siebmtshmw.exe

SELECT       T33.CONFLICT_ID,       T33.LAST_UPD,       T33.CREA
TED,       T33.LAST_UPD_BY,       T33.CREATED_BY,       T33.MODI

After the migration..

    276,758,210 971 285,023.9 2.4 1610.16 32242.21 3353534983 Module: siebmtshmw.exe

SELECT       T33.CONFLICT_ID,       T33.LAST_UPD,       T33.CREA
TED,       T33.LAST_UPD_BY,       T33.CREATED_BY,       T33.MODI
FICATION_NUM,       T33.ROW_ID,       T33.ROW_ID,       T4.X_SAL
AME,       T4.X_SALES_BRANCH,       T33.X_RAAPP_ID,       T14.CM

Unable to find out what could have caused this change... !!!!


Veerabasaiah C B
"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. - Picasso"

Received on Fri May 16 2014 - 01:27:32 CEST

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