Re: OGI/ASM startup sequence wrt OCR and VOTE access

From: Ls Cheng <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 09:11:41 +0200
Message-ID: <>

11.2 was GI first version

cssd doesnt need ASM to acess the Voting Disks so the chicken egg is solved, when cssd is up it will start ASM, CRSD etc (crsd needs OCR)


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 8:12 AM, George Leonard - Business Connexion <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> With the launch of 11.2 or was it 11.1 CRS and ASM was consolidated into
> the then new OGI stack, which included ASM now.
> This then included the placement of VOTE and OCR into ASM.
> I attended a chat way back then, at the time that explained the startup
> sequence of GI and ASM and how the 2 get to the OCR and VOTE disks.
> The chicken and egg solution, considering for GI to come up it needs
> access to OCR which is in ASM which waits for GI...
> I remember high level there was a process, but the exact
> wording/terminology escapes me atm.
> Have a customer asking for this, does anyone have a nice write up that I
> can forward to them.
> I'm bad at writing this... so hoping someone's got something good lying
> around.
> Yours Sincerely
> ________________________________________
> *George Leonard*
> *Oracle Engineered System Specialist*
> Mobile: +27.82 655 2466
> eMail: <>
> Web: <>


Received on Thu May 08 2014 - 09:11:41 CEST

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