Re: Lunch: I'm a DBA - ask me anything
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 11:43:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>
What a great idea. Wish we had something like this in Southern California/Orange County area.
On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:23 AM, Jeremy Schneider <> wrote:
> We've got these dba lunch meetups going in Chicago and we tried something
> new last week. Started lunch by "introducing" one of the members. The
> interviewee answers a few questions, and we keep the discussion around each
> question to a few minutes. Fun way to start lunch and there was still
> plenty of time for the usual techy chatter afterwards.
> My question for this (oracle-l) list: if you could ask a DBA anything,
> what would you ask?
> Here are the four questions we've used so far:
> 1. how'd you get started with the oracle db?
> 2. what's the most interesting system or application you've worked on in
> your career? can you tell us a bit about the architecture?
> 3. who's your #1 influencer, mentor, or author?
> 4. what's the #1 thing you need to learn so you'll still have a job in
> 5-10 years?
> BTW - lunch is in deerfield today, schaumburg tomorrow and downtown next
> wednesday. Just in case anyone is interested in joining. :)
> -J
> --
-- on Tue May 06 2014 - 20:43:56 CEST