Re: Alias VIPS to SCAN
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 10:50:29 +1000
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Freek.
The client version hadn't crossed my mind. I guess I'm looking for reasons to not go down this road and make sure everyone upgrades, changes config and uses scan.
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Freek D'Hooge <>wrote:
> Stojan,
> At first sight I think it will work, but probably you will get some delay
> when the scan is down as your client will retry the connection (failing
> over to oldserver2-vip).
> But keep in mind that you need an 11.2 client / libarary to be able to
> work with scan (and failover correctly), so it could be that you need to
> upgrade the application anyway.
> Despite it will probably work, I would advice to change the configuration
> and use the scan directly as these quick fixes like aliases have a bad
> habit of coming back to bite you in the butt.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Freek D'Hooge
> Exitas NV
> Senior Oracle DBA
> email:
> tel +32(03) 443 12 38
> On wo, 2014-04-30 at 15:40 +1000, Stojan Veselinovski wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are in the process of looking at migrating some older legacy RAC
> systems to a new 12C GI on Solaris T4. One of the challenges we are facing
> is getting any level of application change including connect strings.
> A proposal we are looking at is to alias the old vips to point to the
> new SCAN. The thinking is all should work ok behind the scenes without much
> change. Haven't really got my head across what happens with failover and
> load balancing or even if its doable. It'll look somethign like this
> oldserver1-vip oldserver2-vip
> | |
> | |
> | |
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Stojan
-- Stojan -- on Thu May 01 2014 - 02:50:29 CEST