Re: Oracle EBS
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:10:00 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I was typing up the same response when I saw John's reply come in. I think he was reading my mind because he has mentioned everything I was going to mention. :)
So to that I will second his recommendations!
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:50 AM, John Piwowar <> wrote:
> I'm not aware of an active mailing list, but the EBS OTN fora are pretty
> active. There's some level of "do my job plz" noise, but the people who
> actually know things and respond to questions are pretty knowledgeable, and
> generally professional.
> For bootstrapping on Apps DBA stuff, the content in Elke Phelps' Apps DBA
> Field guide is a decent starting place:
> . The author and several contributors now work for Oracle in the ATG
> group, so they do actually know how this stuff hangs togethers.
> Also, if you're an Apps DBA and not reading Steven Chan's blog, you're
> doing yourself a huge disservice:
> And, finally, as with "core" DBA stuff, the Concepts Guide is your friend.
> :)
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Bill Zakrzewski <>wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a good list group for Oracle EBS, similar to this
>> list for Oracle DBA questions?
>> Also, can anyone recommend a good book for the experienced Oracle DBA,
>> but newbie EBS DBA that covers EBS architecture, startup/shutdown,
>> processes, patching and upgrading?
>> Thanks
>> Bill--
-- on Thu Apr 10 2014 - 19:10:00 CEST