High Parse Call
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 09:46:17 -0400
Message-ID: <CADq6Cc7vtgdtMBcFps9u57KR5NmaHpd273HW4+UmaGkO0KMkUQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hello Everyone,
I came cross this sql in AWR report which parse every time it executed. But when I checked v$sql_shared_cursor view there is no child cursor for this sql_id. All the column in v$sql_shared_cursor table related to child cursor having value 'N'. Version count is also 0 for this sql_id. I am not able to understand the reason do parse in every call when there is no child cursor. This is seeded oracle apps sql so if you happen to have r12 instance with you can might able to see this sql_id in your instance too.
Parse section from AWR,
Parse Calls Executions % Total Parses SQL Id SQL Module SQL Text 7,008,164 7,008,162 20.65 875jz2d26yvd5 OEXAUGEN select count(*) from oe_order_... full sql.
select count(*) from oe_order_lines_history hist where hist_type_code in ('UPDATE', 'CANCELLATION', 'SPLIT') and hist_creation_date > :x and header_id = :y and hist.line_id = :a and nvl(audit_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
Any idea?
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